Colour Your World

Colour Your World

We live in an age where there is a greater understanding of our moods and how the environment we live in can greatly affect it. People pay attention to things such as Feng Shui in their homes to aid in creating a more positive environment as the way a home is set out is believed to have an effect on its visitors.
The same is said about the colour schemes in homes and that certain colours can inspire different feelings and moods. You may have even noticed yourself that you prefer the atmosphere of some rooms than others in your own home and it is very likely the colour of the walls has a lot to do with this.
For this reason, if you are looking to rent or sell a home you might like to consider if the colour scheme is right and if not, that you should change it. The interior colour scheme of your home can be the difference between a prospective tenant or a buyer deciding that they would like to rent or buy your home.
Choose carefully
As well as affecting someone’s mood, colours can also change the special feel of a room. Some colours will make the room appear smaller whilst others will lend a feeling of more space, even if the room is not large. The trick is in knowing which colours are best suited to which rooms and then creating a theme to match throughout the house.
Red is fantastic for energy levels, often linked with feelings of excitement, it can increase the heart rate and blood pressure.
It is perfect for rooms where you would want to encourage people together and spend some time chatting such as dining rooms or living rooms but avoid bedrooms.
If you are selling a property in Ingleburn where the most likely renters or buyers will be elderly, red may not necessarily be a good idea, as it does not instill feelings of calm or relaxation.
Amazing in kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms, yellow is a joyful colour that often makes people think of sunshine, though this does not mean it should be in every room. Studies have shown that some people are more irritable with yellow as the main colour and babies tend to cry more. If you want to use yellow, aim for accents and do not use it as the main colour.
Blue may be perfect for those who need some more chill-out time in their lives. Known to lower blood pressure and heart rate, blue is very relaxing and calming, often making people feel more serene.
Blue is fantastic in bedrooms where rest takes place; be careful though to select the right shade of blue to avoid the room feeling cold. Dark blue is also linked with feelings of sadness so avoid this as your main colour choice.
Neutral colours are fantastic to add in with your chosen colour to take out the intensity and break up the boldness. If you’re not keen to paint whole walls in one colour then a neutral colour with coloured accents works perfectly.
If you want to find out more about what colours renters and buyers go for when looking for a home, please call 96055000 and get in touch with the best real estate experts in Ingleburn available.